venerdì 21 giugno 2013

Concorso per libri illustrati (albi o narrativa)

E mentre il mio -4 è ancora in corso (questa tavola è particolarmente ricca di roba) vi segnalo un concorso che mi è appena arrivato e che si preannuncia davvero stuzzicante!

Fundación Telmex and Nostra Ediciones convene to the Fifth International Contest Invenciones
of Picture Book and Fiction for Children and Young Adults to encourage literary 
and plastic creativity for children and young readers’ books.

Adult professional writers and illustrators of any nationality, place of origin or residency may submit 
entries in Spanish language, on two categories: Picture Book or Fiction, under the following basis:

A) Picture book: 
- It must be pointed out that the works presented in this category have to conform to 
the concept of picture book, in which the story must be told through illustrations and text necessarily 
complemented from one another; so a story couldn’t be clearly told and therefore understood if the 
author disregards one or the other. We suggest see Nostra Collection Los Ilustrados, as a reference. 
There are also picture books without text, and the images by themselves are capable to tell a story using 
a clear graphic language. In that case, text can be dispensed. 
- Works must be written in Spanish language.
- Works must be aimed at readers between 4 and 8 years old.
- Participants may submit as many works as they wish, either individually or collectively.
- Entries may have any theme, book layout and illustration technique, with a minimum and maximum length of 24 and 40 complete pages, respectively, including text and images, according to picture books features.
- Works must be original and unpublished.
- Entries must be submitted complete and in their final draft, full color high graphic resolution, in 
triplicate and spiral-bound if the dummy allows.
- Original artwork shouldn’t be sent, only reproductions.

B) Children and Young Adults Fiction: short story or novel.
- The works must be written in Spanish language.
- Works should be aimed at readers between 9 and 14 years.
- The topic is free. We recommend take into account the issues that correspond to each readers’ age. 
- Works must be original and previously unpublished.
- The entries should be submitted complete in their final version, out in triplicate.
- Minimum and maximum extension shall be 60 and 140 complete pages, respectively. (Each page 
contains 1700 characters with spaces counted on a Word processor). 
- Text should be printed only on one side of the page, and spiral-bound.
- Fiction contestants must submit a statement that the work is original and unpublished.

Rules for both categories:

- The last contest winner won’t be able to participate in this convening. 
- Contest organizers’ workers are not allowed to participate.
- Works participating in other contests will not be accepted, as well as those currently send for evaluation in this or other publishing houses.

- Entries must be sent to:

IBBY México/A leer 
Quinto Concurso Internacional 
Invenciones 2013 Álbum Ilustrado y Narrativa 
Infantil y Juvenil para escritores e ilustradores

Goya 54 Colonia Insurgentes Mixcoac
Delegación Benito Juárez
México, D.F., 03920
Tel.: +52 55 5563 1435

- Reception hours: from 9:00 to 18:00 hrs., Monday through Friday. Reception hours on Thursday, 
September 19: from 9:00 to 16:00 hrs.

- Each one of the three copies must show on the front cover: title and pseudonym avoiding any 
identity or biographical references.
- A sealed envelope containing the pseudonym, real name, address, telephone number with long 
distance code, and email of the participants must be submitted.
- In both categories, all the participants in a common project should state the agreed prize percentage 
- Works not meeting the requirements will be disqualified.
- Dummies will not be returned under any circumstances. 
- Contestants may participate with many works as they wish.
- The jury will be composed of highly regarded figures in children and young adults’ literature.
- The jury’s decision won’t be open to appeal.
- Where appropriated, the jury may declare the contest desert. In such a case the award will be reserved to the next edition of this contest.
- For any clarification please refer to “frequent questions” section at:
preguntasfrecuentes, or send your questions to:
- Deadline to receive all the works is Thursday September 19, 2013, until 16:00 hrs. (central time) 
considering the registered shipping date. No work will be received after that date.
- The contest results will be published Thursday November 14 at:
- The participation in this contest explicit the acceptance of this terms. 


A) Picture Book
- US$20,000.00 (twenty thousand dollars) as foretaste of royalties. 
In case of group participation, the amount will be given based on the percentage previously established 
by the participants. 
- Publishing. The authors will sign a copyright contract under common policies of Nostra Ediciones.
- FIL. The winning illustrator shall be invited to FIL, Guadalajara, 2013.

B) Children and Young Adult Fiction
- US$20,000.00 (twenty thousand dollars) as foretaste of royalties. 
- Publishing. The writer will sign a copyright contract under common policies of Nostra Ediciones.
- FIL. The writer shall be invited to FIL, Guadalajara, 2013

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